Compliance Management

What We Provide

Compliance Management Service

We ensure effective assessment & management of compliance’s across taxation, labour laws, statuary, risk management, company & corporate law by following a holistic approach.

Security procedures & control

Mitigate business risk by tackling
non-conformance cases
Tackle non-compliance incidents without delay

Reports and Documents

Find out how companies similar to yours handle the risks on your checklist
Set up a system for compliance reporting and record keeping

Policies and Procedures

Provide compliance training to all relevant employees
Turn compliance management into an ongoing activity
Educate & allocate responsibilities to employees

Labour Law Compliance

It refers to several regulatory compliances including minimum wages act, work men's compensation act, contract labour act, factories act etc.

Internal & Third party audits

It refers to several regulatory compliances including minimum wages act, work men's compensation act, contract labour act, factories act etc.

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